Monday, October 26, 2009

Creativity = Motivation

Are you ever tired of nagging your children to help with the chores? Are you feeling overwhelmed with a messy home with not-so-helpful children to assist with the cleanup job? You and your children need some creativity to get motivated! Every few months I pull out the "cooperation scavenger hunt" or "scavenger clean-up race" to get the job done with some fun, competition and of course, a reward at the end. Here's how it's done:

Create a list of 10-15 things that each member of the family needs to do based on what jobs need to be accomplished. Example: Pick up 10 pieces of trash, empty a garbage can, fold 20 items of clothing, make a bed, vacuum a room of the house, empty 10 dishes in the dishwasher, .... get the idea? Give everyone their own list and pencil to cross off the task as it's completed.

Make it a race, or not. Pair up some children (maybe two that haven't been getting along) or do it solo. Create a special prize for the winner and then a treat for all those who participated joyfully. Or, have a family reward at the end. Set a time limit for extra motivation. There's nothing like setting the timer to get children moving more quickly! Here's our family's latest list:

Working together is fun and rewarding. It's much better than doing it by yourself! Add some creativity and it's even better!! Do you have an idea for creative motivation? I'd love to hear it!

More to come, but until then...Stick-to-it!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea. Lizzy would enjoy this (and maybe even Evan).


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