Raising children is an overwhelming job. It's a wonderful blessing; truly it is. Yet, when the baby is sick (and she really is), everyone wants your attention at once, it's late and dinner isn't made yet, laundry is all over the place, you're trying to get your nine year old to clean the bathroom and water from the bathtub is everywhere, it does try one's patience. The above description was my evening last night, not to mention a dozen other things that I didn't include.
After days like this, I need some extra encouragement - something to help me refocus, regain perspective and remind me of WHY I'm doing this. I picked up a beautiful book that my children gave me a few years ago. It is called, Blessed Are the Children - the Miracle and Beauty of Childhood. It is full of beautiful artwork portraying children in everyday settings. Quotes about children fill the pages - providing a new view about these wonderful people - our children.
Some of my favorites:
"Our children are not going to be just 'our children' - they are going to be other people's husbands and wives and the parents of our grandchildren." - Mary Steichen Calderone
(Doesn't that make you want to be a better mother?)
"Nothing you do for children is ever wasted." - Garrison Keillor
(Oh, that makes me feel so much better!)
"The soul is healed by being with children." - Dostoevsky
(Try a hug from your little one. That is truly healing!)
"Few things can transform us as quickly as the presence of a child." - Tobin Hart
(I definitely want to be better when I'm around my children)
"Children are a poor man's wealth." - Danish Proverb
(Truly my children are my treasures!!)
"While we are trying to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." - Angela Schwindt
(I learn what life is about every day - when I see my children forgive so quickly, love so freely, laugh so easily...)
"My lovely living boy, my hope my hap, my love, my life, my joy." - Guillaume de Saulluste du Bartas
(FYI - a "hap" is one's luck...I love this quote...look at your child and think this thought - it brings out true, Christlike love for your little one - or big one)"Love your children. Cherish them. They are so precious. They are so very, very important. They are the future. You need more than your own wisdom in rearing them. You need the help of the Lord...Pray for that help and follow the inspiration which you receive." - Gordon B. Hinckley
(What a great reminder! Yes, the Lord knows us and our children. He will instruct us how to help them and how to love them.)
A few of my own pictures that remind me of the above thoughts:
More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!
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