It never ceases to amaze me how much children are capable of. However, we tend to underestimate what they can accomplish, thinking they're too young, or the job is too hard, or dangerous, or messy, or the timing just isn't right. Oh, the excuses we come up with to try and put off letting our kids help or learn something! Some of mine tend to be, "I can't teach you that right now, Mommy has to do this..., now's not a good time, we have other things we need to do, time to make dinner", etc, etc. As I write them on paper, they sound really pathetic. Do I really need to start dinner now or can I take five minutes to help my daughter learn to tie her shoes?
Today I had an eye opener. Being December, we are immersed with Christmas preparations. One of our traditions is coming up with a small and inexpensive, yet meaningful gift, for neighbors, friends, and family. This year, part of our gift consists of two bags of corn nuts, tied together with curling ribbon, just like you would wrap ribbon around a wrapped package. Of course, you have to curl the ribbon on the top when you're finished. You get the picture...
Well, here's a picture if you don't get the picture. |
As I was working on this today, my six year old daughter asked if she could tie ribbon, too. I thought in my mind, "She can't do that. It's going to be too difficult for her to maneuver the bags and get the ribbon tight enough, but not too tight!" She persisted in her asking and in her aggressive and "jump in with two feet" manner, she cut a ribbon and went to work. I continued with my part of the project and all of the sudden she said, "Look, Mom. Is this right?" I looked over and saw her finished project - not exactly perfect but totally acceptable. I was amazed! She had tied it, as well as curled the ends. Did I give her praise or did I give her praise? She had the biggest smile on her face - one of satisfaction, excitement, pride (the good kind) and pure joy. So, I told her to keep going. She tied almost 20 of these packages, entertaining herself for an hour or more, being productive and learning a skill.
I love it!! So, why don't I encourage this more often? Am I lazy or just in the "let me do it" mode - it's faster, easier and the finished outcome is better. But is it? It may be easier short term, but long term we, and our children, are much better off if we encourage learning, doing, growing, and helping. (Not to mention that I was probably ten before I could tie and curl ribbon)
So, here is my cutie and her amazing tying abilities...
Thanks, sweetie, for making my life a little bit easier today and teaching me a lesson, too! By the way, I got an awesome deal on corn nuts - $0.25 per bag (normally $1.49) at Maceys. I love a good deal (but I don't really like corn nuts)!
More to come...but until then, Stick-to-it!