Saturday, August 13, 2011

One Thing at a Time

Mom: "You need to clean your room."
Child: "I can''s too hard."

I've discovered over the years that if your child doesn't know how to do something, many times they use this excuse when in fact they should be saying, "I don't know how." They look at the mess and their little minds can't fathom how to clean it up. Break it down and help them understand the concept, One Thing at a Time. We use this frequently in our home and it really works. 

Problem: The room is messy with dirty clothes, garbage, shoes, toys, unfolded blankets, and dress up clothes.
Solution: Teach your child to go pick up all of the dirty clothes, put them in the hamper, and report back when it's complete. After that task, instruct them to pick up all of the garbage and put it in the trash can, then report back. Next, put the shoes in the bucket and tell me when that's finished. Continue with this pattern until the room is cleaned up. 

Breaking it down, step by step, teaches a systematic approach towards success. The overwhelming task that a child encounters becomes not-so-overwhelming. Reporting back reaffirms a sense of accomplishment and gives encouragement for the next to-do.

Showing children the way, or providing a solution, allows them to feel like the task is within their reach. And next time, hopefully the knowledge will "stick" and cleaning the bedroom won't be such an ordeal!

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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