Friday, October 5, 2012

Victory with a Vacuum

Grateful for broken vacuum belts

Last night the carpet was full of crumbs, strings, bits of paper, and crushed leaves - all from one day's worth of living. Even though it was 9PM, I couldn't stand it; I had to get out the vacuum. 

Tip: Do you ever sweep the space between the carpet and the baseboards to get out all the junk that accumulates there? My mother in law taught me this trick and it works marvelously! No need to get out the canister vac, bend or kneel down to clean up the dusty bluckyness. Just sweep it away from the wall and vacuum it up. 

While vacuuming last night, a VERY loud sound ensued. Definitely not normal! I turned the vacuum over then turned it on to see if the roller was spinning. Nope! One of two things - either the belt slipped off or broke. Lovely...I really didn't need this! Because I've owned an Oreck since practically Day 1 of marriage, I'm a vacuum belt replacement expert. The quick fix can be a less than five minute exercise.

I obtained the necessary screwdriver and was about to begin when my eleven year old saw the tool. "Can I do it, can it do it?"

I could see what was coming. He'll unscrew the chamber that holds the belt, and then he'll want to change it, too. It was late and I just wanted to do it myself. However, I quickly realized that this was a teaching moment and I couldn't let it slip away. I don't think any of my brothers knew how to change a vacuum belt until they were married. Well, maybe they don't even know now. Sorry guys!!

So, the process of checking the vacuum belt commenced with my cute guy at my side. That quickly switched to three boys by my side. Our six year old was sad that he couldn't unscrew the screw; I told him he could screw it back in when we were finished. He ran off to get his own tool set that he received for his birthday. My thirteen year old son sat by watching and processing since he has always had a fascination with how things work.

After removing the cover, we quickly determined that the belt broke and needed replacing. #11 slipped the new belt over the wheel and tried with all his might to stretch it over the metal rod, using a screw driver for leverage. He just couldn't do it.

Slipping the belt onto the wheel
Stretching the belt with the screw driver

Big brother is patiently waiting and watching

#13 was begging inside for a turn to prove his manliness. The task was turned over to him and within five minutes, he had the belt secured. 

Belt secured!

Belt Positioned Correctly

And just as promised, #6 screwed the belt compartment closed with his very own screwdriver!

So excited for the opportunity!

Making sure he pushes in and turns so he doesn't strip the screw.
You know the best part? Three boys now know the process of replacing the vacuum belt. Do you think I will ever have to change the vacuum belt again? I don't think so. Fifteen minutes with three boys vs. five minutes by myself is worth the extra ten minutes because now they're empowered with knowledge. How many minutes will they save me in the future? Plus, it was a tender teaching time. As they get older, those sweet moments start to dwindle so we need to take full advantage. Also, the teaching goes both ways. I was taught a serious lesson last night. #6 also had to show me how to put down the blade of a pocket knife yesterday. Wow!

Today's Stick-to-it Tip: If there's something you can teach, take the time to do it. It will pay off big more belt changes for me! 

A working vacuum again, thanks to boys and tools
More to Come....but until then, Stick-to-it!

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