Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Christmas Card

For almost 20 years I have followed in the footsteps of my parents, and grandparents. How is that? I've created and sent out a Christmas Card every year of our marriage. I started doing it because that's what Mom and Dad did. They probably did it because that's what Dad's parents did. However, it's turned into a tradition that is much more than that...

Reason #1: I use the end of the year to write a Christmas letter about our family's doings. This is a great way to preserve family memories, traditions and compile a history for future posterity. The children love to read about themselves and it makes them feel important and part of a legacy. Someday, I hope to create a book of some kind for each of them, displaying the years of the Bushman Family Christmas Memories.

Reason #2: I create this... we can enjoy this...
I LOVE hearing from family and friends at this time of year. I LOVE seeing other people's creativity. I LOVE to see the children grown. I LOVE to hear of achievements and adventures. I LOVE to keep tabs on those who I care about. This is one of my most favorite parts of Christmas time. Our children vie for the job of opening the day's Christmas Cards that come in the mail. We LOVE it!

We still have the cards and pictures on the door even though every other inkling of Christmas has been put away. I just don't want to take you down...I love you all too much!

So to those who still send Christmas Cards....Thank you and Stick-to-it! It brings us joy, many months after the tree is taken down and the treats are all eaten up. It helps me keep my tradition live and well, too!

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

1 comment:

  1. G'ma and G'pa Baer would be so proud of your efforts to follow in their Christmas Card tradition! We've done the same, though not as creative as yours and theirs were! Love reading your insights, and seeing the pictures of your family. You're wonderful and we love you! Bonnie


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