Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"For the Pore"

It sits on the table year after year;
Not filled with candy or treats, for fear
of little hands taking and eating it all!
In just minutes I'll hear that dreaded call,
"It's gone, Mom", the empty boot sits still.
So, what shall we find to grant it a fill?

The Christmas Spirit and a sweet 7 year old girl brought our family a special blessing in the month of December. As I was tidying up at the end of the day, a peculiar sight caught my eye. The little glass Santa boot that would typically hold a treat (but never does because it would be gone in a flash) was no longer empty on the table. A dollar bill and a few random coins sat inside. A little note was taped to the boot with the words, "For the Pore". 

I recognized the handwriting of my little girl 7 and immediately emotions started stirring inside. I picked it up, looked inside and then read the note again. I was so touched by the sight that I immediately took a picture and then told my husband. We both cried and laughed (my kids think it's strange that we do such things - cry and laugh at the same time. They'll understand some day!) and then I went to my wallet and pulled out a few bills and some change. Yes, Christmas is about giving; giving of one's self to bless another's life. Instead of thinking about the toys or Santa or treats or fun, she was thinking of somebody else. But not only was she thinking, she was DOING. She was taking action to serve and help. 

We quietly showed the boot to the other children in the home and encouraged them to participate. Each day the boot's loot (I like that rhyme) grew bigger and bigger. Daily little girl 7 exclaimed delight as she counted the funds and saw them grow. One day she asked me, "Mom, is it OK if I give all my money to the poor." I was so proud of her - the spirit of giving was deep within, urging her to give, give, give. What an example she was to me. How much more can I give?  Not just with money, but with time, or patience, or love, or service? 

We were blessed and happy to donate the boot's funds to our church to help a family in need for Christmas. This experience changed the feeling in our home, but more importantly, it changed the feelings in our hearts. I talked with her about it later and told her what a fabulous thing she started. I was so happy that she did such a selfless act and provided an example for us to follow. Then I asked her, "Will you be in charge of putting a sign on the boot every year?" She smiled with excitement and nodded her head emphatically. However, next year, I have a feeling the boot will say, "For the Poor." Nevertheless, I will always treasure those sweet, pure words on the torn piece of paper, "For the Pore."

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