Friday, January 13, 2012

Make the Decision and Give it your All

Oh, extracurricular activity. 
Sometimes, I really murmur at you.
The time away from home hurts.
The stress of it all weighs heavily.
The money associated is a strain.
But when I see the outcome...I forgive you and thank you.

I know I've written about this before, but I cannot overstate that children in modern society are overwhelmed and over-scheduled by the beast we call the "Extracurricular activity." Families are burdened financially and end up activity-rich and quality time-poor if not managed very carefully. Yes, my children are involved in some extracurricular activities, but we are selective and give much thought to every new idea that presents itself.

Despite my occasional murmuring, once the decision is made to participate, I am full of support and encouragement. The extra hours, time away from home, financial sacrifices, late night hours catching up on homework become so worth it when you see the outcome of the hard work. This is especially true with musical theater. The memories made and the talents developed cannot be measured. Seeing your children up on that stage brings pure joy and satisfaction. It is just worth it!

Not only do we as parents give encouragement, but I strive to teach my children to do their best, no matter what they're involved in. If they make the decision to participate, work your hardest, show your stuff, be supportive of others, be self-governed, show respect for your leaders...give it your all!!

I am proud to be a stage mom. I went to the dress rehearsal and all four performances of: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat. I cried at the end of the final performance...tears of joy for a fabulous experience; tears of sadness for the experience coming to an end. So glad we have the pictures, the music and the memories! This became a family experience: all the children learning the songs, certain children practicing Elvis moves, little girls being like their big sister with their dance moves and steps. It was the talk of the family for the months of September and October. Not only was it their production, it was our production. 

And what a production it was!

Pre-show: Naphtali's wife and Pharaoh
Naphtali and his cute girl!
Sing it, girl!

Purple and white and pink and orange and BLUE!

We are just 11 brothers...
Go, Go, Joe, Go, Go, Joe

Ahead of your.....TIME!

What a gorgeous Egyptian girl!

"Seven, beautiful, ears of corn..."
Pharaoh is in the Building!!

"Help me, I beg of you."

"Oh-oh, yeah!"

Fix that hair!

Checkin' out the girls...

Sister's reaction to brother. Love it!
Awesome Judah! "Oh-no, not he...."
The Joseph Cast
Our Family...OUR performance!!
Oh, "Joseph" will always be a part of our family!

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

1 comment:

  1. Love these pictures!!! What great opportunities and memories. Glad we could see it.


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