Saturday, November 10, 2012

Always Watching so Watch Always

Write-Downable (n) 
"A statement that is cute, funny, priceless, sensitive, loving, one-of-a-kind, sweet, or spiritual; a word, phrase, sentence, or story that touches the heart of another and is deemed worthy to write down, thus recorded forever and not forgotten."
Word Created By: The Bushman Family
Definition By: Julie Bushman

Write-Downable of the Week:
Child: Mommy, am I blind?
Mom:  No, you're not blind.
Child: How do you get blind?
Mom: Well, Daddy was born blind.
Child: Oh, that's bad!!!

This was my sweet little four year old talking to me this week. She has become very interested in the eye. She notices the color of one's eyes, if they're happy or sad eyes, and practices winking. She understands that her Dad can't see and quickly moves out of the way when he's coming her way. She has even learned how to draw an eye (thanks to La-La); a real eye...not just a filled in circle on a smiley face. I think it's pretty good for one who just turned four. This is my eye - she colored it the correct color and she even knows how to write my name!

These little people sure see a lot around our house. They see a huge range of emotions between all members of the family, they see messes but don't care to clean them up, they see Mom and Dad working hard, they see siblings tease other siblings, they see love and fun, and everything in between. They learn behaviors by watching those around them. I've seen them watch what I do this week and have a greater desire to do good so they learn proper, kind and loving behavior.

We were raking leaves the other day before the storm arrived. We finished up our yard then noticed another yard that was full of leaves with two teenaged girls trying to get the leaves raked up. What a task for them! I decided to go over and help them. A couple of my children saw me go over, and they quickly picked their tool of choice and joined me. The six of us got those leaves cleaned up so fast! It was exciting to see them follow my lead to help another without any complaining, nor being asked. 

This morning I was doing my exercise which consists of walking/running the stairs in the house. Kind of goofy but it's a good workout and I don't have to go anywhere! I usually do it early in the morning but it was Saturday and I enjoyed a little bit of sleeping in. The younger children were all awake when I began. I think they were shocked at this new phenomenon...Mom walking up and down the stairs, over and over again, listening to something on her iPhone. They all asked me what I was doing. Between pants, I told them I was exercising. They started following me. They went down the stairs, then up the stairs. They marched in place with me as I did so, trying to catch my breath. This lasted for ten minutes or so, but then they got tired...before I did. Oh, what satisfaction to beat out little people with endless energy!

What's my point? Children see our behaviors and follow them. 

Even if they're a little weird....

...or conspicuous.

Reminder to self: They are always watching so watch myself always!

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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