Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Interview

Nervous and apprehensive, I approached the interviewer with equaled hesitation.
She wants my advice and opinions about marriage, parenting, and family life.
However, I'm not a natural speaker. Thoughts come by writing them, not speaking them.
Sitting down, I braced myself. I looked at the "reporter" and smiled.
She smiled back and then we laughed. 
 There was nothing to worry about!

Wow! My first interview about marriage and parenting. How appropriate that the interviewer was
my daughter whom is taking a Family Science class at school. One of her assignments is interviewing her parents about marriage, child raising, and family life. She sent me copies of my responses so I can include them as my thoughts for today:

Question #1: What are some of the patterns you have tried to follow in building our family?

“I have followed the pattern set forth by the prophet - to hold family scripture study, family prayer, family home evening, to attend the temple, and attend church meetings. I have followed the pattern of Elder Faust, when he instructed us to insulate our family from the world, not isolate. I follow the pattern from Elder Oaks to choose the best things, then the better, then the good. I follow the teachings of Elder Bednar to be consistent, because a successful family is a big picture made up of small choices and decisions. Most importantly, I have tried to follow the Savior’s pattern to love and serve, forgive and be charitable.”

Question #2: Who do you trust, and why?

“I trust my husband. I trust my mother, and my siblings. I trust the prophet. I trust my children. I trust my bishop, and my friends. I trust the Savior, and Heavenly Father. I trust these people because they have a record of loyalty, honesty, and being there for me at crucial times in my life. I trust them because they are dependable, have integrity and do the things they say they will do. They live by a like set of values and high standards.”
Question #3: How do you know the prophet is true?

à   "I know the prophet is true because the Holy Ghost has witnessed to me that the words the prophet speaks are of God. When I hear the prophets speak, I feel comfort and peace and excitement that he is speaking to me. I know God will not let His prophet lead His people astray.”

Question #4: Why is it important to put family before work and other responsibilities?

-    “Family should be put above other responsibilities because families are eternal, and the family relationship will be carried with us after we die. We want to strengthen it, and give it the time that it needs. Putting family first shows loyalty to those we love, builds unity, provides vital opportunities to communicate, and memories that will last forever.”

Question #5: How can you love both God and your spouse “with all thy heart”?
-    "By making God a partner in your marriage you have the added blessings of forgiveness, loyalty, honesty, charity, and compassion. When both husband and wife love God with all their heart by obeying the commandments, reading the scriptures, praying together, going to the temple, and attending church meetings, loving God with all thy heart, comes naturally.”
Question #6:How has God helped you become a good parent? What are some of the revelations / spiritual insights you have received about parenting?

-    “God has helped me in parenting by blessing me with qualities that are needed to be successful - patience, long-suffering, forgiveness, avoiding selfishness, charity, and love. Through prayer, scripture study, temple attendance, and inspiration from the Holy Ghost, God has taught and directed me. I have received many spiritual insights from teaching a specific child to read, handling behavior problems, determining their love language, solving issues, encouraging responsibility, and increasing spirituality. All children are vastly different and no method or approach works the same for all children. I need God’s help to show me the right way.”

Question #7: Why is marriage good for people? How has it been good for you?

-      “Marriage is good for people because it provides stability, safety, loyalty, and an eternal relationship that can be counted on. Having a marriage partner is comforting because I always have someone to turn to, to talk and discuss with, to work towards a common goal with, and someone I can rely on to take care of our family. The marriage commitment is a blessing that affects not only the couple, but the children who feel confident and secure with two parents who love one another and work towards a common purpose.”

Question #8: What do you want your family to say about you at your funeral?

-     “I would want my family to say that I attempted to maintain the eternal perspective through all aspects of my life. I completely dedicated my time and talents to serving my family and those around me. I was valiant and dedicated to living the Gospel of Jesus Christ and encouraged my family to do so as well. I always tried to choose the best and show love and gratitude to my husband and children daily. I chose to prioritize my time so that God’s will became my will.”
Question #9: What one change, if you implemented consistently and well, would result in a positive significant difference in your family?

-    “The change that would make the biggest change in my family is if I did not have to help provide for our family's material welfare. Even though I am able to work from home, a significant portion of my day is taken up by my employment that could otherwise be given to more important matters of the family, home and its relationships.”  

Question #10: How did you establish and maintain your marriage?

     "My marriage was established by going to the Oakland, California temple on May 8, 1992 - sealed for time and all eternity. We established principles of kindness, respect, defined roles, unity, hard work and loyalty. We made our marriage first – before extended family, which is important to do when first married so that parents and siblings do not get in the way of your relationship. We maintain our marriage by keeping our covenants, communicating, serving, praying, going to the temple, working on oneself, accepting, encouraging, and forgiving." 

    More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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