Friday, November 2, 2012

Schooled by a Six Year Old

Instructed, Taught, Tutored

Yesterday was yet another birthday celebration. More on that another day! However, we were busy wrapping gifts and I had my two September Stars helping me. It takes double the time to have little people help with an activity. Yet the knowledge they gain and the time spent with Mom is worth the extra time. I literally tell myself that and pray for patience when I'm in the middle of it, though. I'm not even joking. While wrapping gifts, my six year old decides to take scissors, tape, and paper to the floor for his own wrapping project. He was happy and content.

While finishing the gifts with my youngest as the assistant, my eleven year old son walks in with a bit of a brain freeze and asks, "Mom, what's 16+16?" Without missing a beat and not even looking up from his project, my guy on the floor says, "32". 

I look at my older son. He looks at me and we both start laughing. He really does know the answer; he just simply had one of those moments. I can understand. Years ago I had to ask my daughter how to spell "of".....Yeah, embarrassing.

Then I told him, "You just got schooled by a six year old." He agreed and took it in perfect stride. I took the time to point out to Mr. Smarty Pants on the floor how quick and speedy he was with the answer. He was satisfied with himself but didn't stop dispensing tape. It will take some serious effort to get into that package.

I love these moments...those experiences that freeze all stress, problems and annoyances...when time stands still...where laughter and joy permeate the heart, sealing the memory forever. It's especially written on the heart and mind when one physically writes it down. Thus, my blog log for today.

My children consistently amaze me; I get "schooled" by one of them every day.

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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