Monday, November 5, 2012

October Observations

Leaves of Orange, Red, and Gold;
Cocoa to fight off the icy cold.
Winds that chill, yet sun that warms;
Beautiful days and those that storm.
Pumpkins a plenty, candy too;
Friends and family for me and you.
Julie Bushman (moi)

October has come and gone. Where did the month go? Frankly, I'm always glad to move into November so we can focus on the true holiday of Autumn - Thanksgiving. However, before I officially say goodbye to October, I must reminisce a bit.

The Abominable Attire Attack
Sadly, this is the only photo I have of this goofy day where he put on twelve pair of pants, and fifteen sweatshirts/jackets - topped off with his fuzzy footy pajamas. I laughed so hard when he waddled out of the bedroom with so much clothing on that it added twenty pounds to his little weight of 65.

Closet Creativity
After sending my son to hang up his Sunday clothes, I decided to verify that it was really accomplished. Here is the new technique I discovered...
Brilliant thinking for a six year old. He didn't even need a stool to hang up his clothes. The technique didn't last (mom vetoed) but I had to take a picture!

Helpful Hairstyles 
Our EE is so helpful to do her younger sister's hair every morning before school...just one of the benefits of a teenaged girl! This month she has learned some new hairstyles.

Fishtail - Taken after school

Not sure what it's called, but it's amazing, isn't it??
Diligent Devotional
I love my children's school devotionals - full of truth, music, faith, and testimony. How special to have two cousins experience it together!

Fabulous Friends
Good times with our fellow homeschooling friends! Enjoying our annual children's show at the Scera - Flat Stanley!

Whacky Wisdom-Teeth Week

Two children having their wisdom teeth extracted within one week is no fun! He is the only one who would allow me to take a picture. What a good sport! So happy that part of our life is over. I'm sure they are, too.

Accidental Accuracy
Friend #1 comes to pick up friend #2 for a church dance.  Friend #2 opens the door for Friend #1. They look at each other, scream, and laugh. TWINS! Could they have been more accurate? Friend #1 decides to go home and change.

Illustrious iPhone
Having fun with my new iPhone 5, courtesy of my employer. Some child took a picture of it, so why not include it? Lovin' it but not addicted to it.

Nifty & Necessary Nun
Loved the nuns in the Sound of Music production. Even though she wasn't "thrilled" to be a nun, how necessary they are to the storyline. Even more so, how beautiful were the harmonies! She's the nicest nun a Mama could have, and a natural on the High C!!

Pumpkin Picking
An actual pumpkin patch 1/2 mile from the school was just too good to pass up.

Precise Pumpkin Piercing
What a delightful experience it was this year. I only had to help two children with pumpkin carving. Everyone else could do it on their own. Minimal mess, too!

Costume Creativity
Actually, it was quite mild this year. The only thing I had to buy was blue and white pom poms for $1 from Dollar Tree. Yes, I love no-cost, creative costumes!!

And that's a wrap of our October, 2012. 

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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