Monday, December 31, 2012

The "Be Smart" Celebration

"Tomorrow's Blessings and Opportunities depend on the choices we make today."
James E. Faust

Christmas cheer put our Be Smart Celebration on the back burner; however, I can't let 2012 pass by without recording the event. 

Each member of the family was challenged to learn something new and present the findings at our Be Smart Celebration. I was so pleased with everyone's participation and their new-found knowledge. 

Smartie #1 - Cookie Cutie
She wanted to make cookies by herself. Well, being 4, that's not really possible. However, she did as much as she could by herself, including cracking the eggs, unwrapping the butter, packing the sugar, turning the switch on the mixer, etc. She took the cookies off the cookie sheet and cut them up for samples. She has become a very competent cookie-maker!

Smartie #2 - Cross Stitch Queen
She chose to learn how to cross stitch. We found a kit downstairs in my untouched craft buckets and she spent a few hours learning the art of cross stitch...reading a pattern, dividing the colors, and separating the threads. She didn't finish the kit but she is definitely becoming a pro!

Smartie #3 - PVC Enthusiast
Yes, it's random, but this cute boy decided to learn how PVC pipes are made. His brother gave him a marshmallow shooter made out of PVC pipes and that piqued his curiosity. We found a video about PVC pipe manufacturing and he showed that at our celebration.

Smartie #4 - Santiago Chica
She chose to research and create a Power Point presentation about Santiago, Chile - the area her brother will be serving his mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.  She taught us about the land, the people, the culture, the food, and the customs. 

Smartie #5 - Seceeding Bubbler
Dad had two things to present. First, he made his own sparkling cider - discovering if it's cheaper and better to do it yourself rather than purchase expensive glass bottles of "bubbly". He also gave us a presentation on secession, his current topic of study for his radio program. 

Smartie #6 - Cowboy Cookster
We were all shocked to hear that this guy had NEVER made cookies from scratch...the premade tubes of cookie dough was his preferred method of cookie eating. He chose to make cowboy cookies from scratch. The recipe made so much dough so he ended up making two large cookies to display for his presentation.

Smartie #7 - Nutella Noblist
And this girl is a Nutella lover so she found a recipe for homemade Nutella. She roasted the hazelnuts and made a cream sauce and a chocolate sauce. It was a lot of work and she was disappointed that the finished product was not to her liking because the nuts were too roasted. That's the beautiful thing about learning. If it doesn't work out, we've learned something and can try again! The process of doing is an experience in itself.

Smartie #8 - Biome Biologist
What's a biome? I still don't know but this guy can tell you. He gave us a presentation about biomes. Look it up if you want to know what a biome is.

Smartie #9 - Crochet Chainer
He chained and chained and chained for weeks. He learned the single and double crochet stitch. He began a homemade hackey sack. Crochet and this guy do mix.

Smartie #10 - Thai Curry Ti-gon
Mom LOVES Thai Curry. I chose to learn how to make this most heavenly food. I combined two recipes and came up with a chicken yellow curry with potatoes, carrots, onions, mushrooms and bamboo shoots. Top it with peanuts and serve over rice. DELICIOUS!!!

Smartie #11 - SP Connoisseur
SP stands for Sweet Potato. Smartie #11 was away at BYU. While there he became the expert sweet potato casserole maker!

What a great night! Everyone was awarded a lamp of learning medal with their name and specific award on the back. 

I picked up this little reminder for our Be Smart month...

And that's a wrap of our Be Smart month. December was filled with Be Involved and January, 2013 brings Be Clean...appropriate after a month full of fun and festivity!

More to Come....but until then, Stick-to-it!

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