Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Music Makes the Mood

Feeling ornery, antsy, high strung, anxious, irritable, irritated, grumpy, flustered, in a funk, annoyed or upset? Are your children whiny, high strung, irritable, grumpy, ornery, bored, frustrated or impatient? 
Solution to ornery parent and ornery child? Turn on some music!
There is something about music that soothes the soul, lifts your mood, gives hope, dissipates the grumps, calms chaos and cheers the heart. The type of music you put on can help you achieve the desired effect.

Example 1: It's bed time and the home seems out of control. Kids are running around, and Mom feels frustrated that children aren't settling down. Time to put in some calming and soothing music. We'll put on religious songs - children's primary songs and hymns. Or, put on some piano music like Jon Schmidt - love it! Try Michael Ball or the 5 Browns. The choices are endless! You can literally watch the children calm down when this soft, calming music is turned on. (My four year old is melting down right now. I need to take some of my own advice.)

Example 2: The kitchen is a mess and there is a sink full of dirty dishes that I just don't want to tackle. I try to enlist some help from the children but nobody is feeling it. Idea - turn on some peppy music to get the family moving. I love the Newsies soundtrack! That is one of the best CD's to motivate and energize. Try some of the fun acapella groups like Voice Male or Vocal Point. You'll see people dancing with the broom as they sweep, singing and foot stomping while loading the dishwasher as well as funny faces and dance moves while wiping the table and the counters. It sure makes it a lot more fun!

Example 3: The children are out of sorts. They're bored and have NOTHING to do. Turn on some music for a dance party. Clear the floor, put on some dress ups and dance to Seussical the Musical or Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Get involved with your kids and they really have a good time. There's nothing better, in their mind, than dancing with Mom. Another plus - it gets them really tired and then they're ready for a quiet, mellow activity.

Example 4: Use some mellow music (like in #1) to set the mood for church, homeschooling, or scripture study/devotional. When kids hear the music, they know what's coming up and it encourages getting in the right frame of mind.

Put on some tunes and enjoy whatever mood your family is in need of at the moment.

More to come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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