Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Grateful for Super Heroes...and other lessons.

We had the 4th birthday party yesterday. Yes, I may be crazy, but after throwing at least 30 birthday parties for my children, I've learned a few things...

1. Themed birthday parties are for the parents, not the children. Parents put too much pressure on themselves to have the perfect "themed" party. Don't get me wrong...I love having a theme. In fact, I always have a theme. However, it is possible to have a fun "basketball" or "princess" party without a lot of preparation, stress and money. Children really don't care if you spend seven hours making the perfect sleep over cake with fondant made days before. Children don't know the difference between fancy and expensive party favors or the typical balloon, party blower, bouncy ball and a few pieces of candy. Simplify the party. Do the typical games around the theme. Limit your decorations because kids don't really "see them". They're too caught up wanting to play with the toys that are opened or being involved in the games that are played. Usually, they're just happy to go somewhere. You could probably have a house cleaning party and they would be happy. Hey, that's not a bad idea!

This is my favorite party decoration. My son came up with it a few years ago. Attach balloons to your ceiling fan and turn it on low. The children think it's really cool because it's moving! It creates a neat effect with little expense and time invested.

2. Invest in some super heroes! Fortunately, I have plenty of these hanging around. Add in some of their friends and I'm good to go. There is nothing better than putting some teens and preteens to work at the birthday party. They do a great job at maintaining order, running the games, passing out cake, assembling party bags, helping with a craft or taking pictures. Not only does it give Mom a breather, but it gives them a chance to feel needed and to serve. They also learn important skills of managing children, organizing, leading and ...planning parties. They'll have plenty of those in their future! Don't have any older children? Enlist the help of some neighbor kids, a friend's children, nieces or nephews, etc. It's worth it!! They may even dress up for the part...

He couldn't resist trying on one of the birthday boy's new toys. I couldn't resist taking the picture!
Super Heroes get cake and ice cream, too.

No cape and mask for these two!
3. Don't feel like you HAVE to make the cake. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. This time it made more sense to invest in another person's cake-making abilities.

Happy Birthday, sweet boy!
4. Invest in paper products and a cheap plastic table cloth. But, don't spend money on the printed cups and plates and napkins. Kids just want the cake and ice cream. They're not going to go home and tell their mother that the cake was served on boring, white paper plates.

5. At the beginning of the party, have some kind of craft (simple - age appropriate) or coloring page for the children to work on until everyone gets there. Some children may be hesitant to come to the party, so get them involved in something right away!

Of course, a basketball coloring page.
 6. Things I learned at this party: Don't play musical presents with four year olds. They have a very hard time maneuvering the presents and they want to be the one to hand "their present" to the birthday child. Did not go over very well. But, with older children it is very fun. Turn on some upbeat music, have the children sit in a circle and pass the presents around. When the music stops, the birthday child opens the present they're holding. Very fun and it avoids the problem of everyone crowding in to see the birthday child open their presents. This keeps all the children in a circle so all can see. Also, with four year olds, everything goes faster than you think. They get bored easily and want to move quickly to something new. Have more things planned than you think you'll need. Don't be afraid to have some down time and just let them play together.

7. Remember why you're throwing the party. It's for your child, after all; not to impress the other children or their parents. Seeing your sweetheart smile makes it all worth it!

How did you get to be 4 so quickly?

More to come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Julie! On the verge of doing a birthday party myself, I'll take your ideas!


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