Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kids in the Kitchen

Do you find yourself shooing your kids out of the kitchen when you're preparing a meal? You struggle and get frustrated because you're just trying to finish up and they're at your feet wanting your attention. 

Make dinner and keep them entertained by having them HELP you in the kitchen. Now, I have to be in the right mood for this; a few days ago, I was. NOTE: This was early in the morning and I didn't plan this so everyone's looking grody and the kitchen's a mess. (I love fixing dinner in the crock pot in the morning...makes for a less chaotic afternoon and very quick dinner preparation)

 It all started because SHE wanted to help cut the potatoes. Why not?

Then HE wanted to help, too. Scrubbing potatoes - perfect job for a 4 year old to be.

SHE couldn't be left out. By this time things were going really well. I was keeping my cool.

 My messenger boy. (I hate going down to the pantry)
Time for a new job. Putting the carrots, potatoes and onions IN the crockpot is great fun.

Making breakfast while we make dinner. 
Good Man!

Another great job for the slightly older child - opening the cans with the electric can opener.By the way, things are still under control!

Pouring: a brilliant way to help! (My camera was being weird so sorry for the photo quality.)

Adding the seasonings. Watch this part carefully or you may have a half bottle of pepper dumped into your dinner. Patience level is still high.

Stirring and stirring and stirring the sauce.Watch the speed on the stirring! Slow down a little bit, buddy.

 SUCCESS!!! Happy Mom, Happy Kids, Yummy Dinner!

More to come...but until then, Stick-to-it!


  1. So what's the recipe? Looks yummy.

    One thing we did to help the kids help in the kitchen was put all of our bowls, plates, and cups down low so they can set the table and help empty the dishwasher. So far it's been great!

    We have a hard time when all three want to help at the same time and push the chairs up to the stove. A little hazardous. These are great ideas.


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