Friday, September 17, 2010

Lessons from the Soccer Stars

My daughter's final soccer game of the season was last night. (Yes, you do hear a bit of rejoicing between the lines.) Being the Mom that I am, I brought the camera to try and document her soccer season; leave it to me to wait until the final game, but that's beside the point.

Lessons I learned from watching the "Soccer Stars":

1. Cheering for one another not only makes those we're cheering for feel good, but it's healthy for our own soul as well. Cheer for your kids with sincerity and love. And while you're at it, cheer for yourself. As Julie B. Beck says, "You're doing better than you think you are."

2. If we're too rigid and uptight, the ball just might pass us by. How does this apply to raising kids? If we're so focused on the rules, and the letter of the law when it comes to being a parent, we miss the sweet moments that parenting brings. 

 3. Find joy in the journey. When the pressure's on in life (when is it not?), take the time to play pat-a-cake. Fun, laughter and play are essential building blocks to a health family.

4. Tongues and gum bring a lot of joy. It's the little things in life that matter. Look for those simple things in your life that bring you joy and write them down. As Henry B. Eyring says, "Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch us or our children or our family today?”

5. Hug eachother. Hug them in the morning. Hug them at night. Hug them when they're sad or mad. Often times, they just need some extra attention and love when things aren't going their way. A hug from someone you love can "carry" you through the weeds and into the flowers.

6. Friends (and treats) keep us going. Contact a friend from your past or one you haven't been in touch with lately. Reminisce, remember and renew. Relationships are too precious to pass us by. Share a treat while you're at it!

Thanks, Soccer Stars, for teaching me, too. Congrats on a fun season!!

More to come...but until then, Stick-to-it!


  1. I love this! What great pictures and ideas! I'm glad you are back.

  2. I had no clue you were doing a blog. You must have given up sleep. This is as cute as can be. Now I want to read some of your other posts.


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