Saturday, November 6, 2010

Change it up!

Change is good. Change provides growth, new experiences, opportunities to learn, different challenges, and a fresh outlook. It's good to encourage change in our homes...we teach our kids to change their underwear every day, to change the sheets on their bed, we change seating arrangements in the car and at the table for meal times, my girls change their room around every other month, and last night, we changed the chores.

The new chores are posted, here...
Changing the chores is always a most anticipated event. After two months of the same chore, day after day, they beg me to change the chores and swarm around the bulletin board when it's announced that chores have been changed. It reminds me of dying to see who made the basketball team or who got the lead part in the school play, not to mention who your new teacher is for the next year. I never thought my children would be so excited about their chores. Today my oldest son said, "I'm so excited about my new chores!" Wow! Like I said, change brings a fresh outlook - new opportunities and experiences. Who wouldn't be excited to quit sweeping the floor and wipe up the table and counters instead? 

He saw his new chore and went to work. Sadly, the excitement wears off.
 You may say, "Why don't you change them more often?" I really feel that they need a good amount of time to take ownership of their responsibility. They need the chance to properly learn how to clean the bathroom or arrange the dishes in the dishwasher in the most efficient manner. Plus, I need time to learn who does what...if I changed them every week, I could never keep track! It's also a task to change it up. It takes time and thought to make sure nobody has too difficult of a load or to ponder if cleaning out the garage is too much for my nine year old, for example.
Kind of off topic - I love my bulletin board. It has given our family years of assistance with organization and dependability. If you don't have one...get one!

Things I don't want to change: my favorite treat - See's Candies, my favorite food - mexican, my favorite night of the week - date night!!, my favorite people - my family!!

Are things feeling monotonous in your home? Change it up!

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

1 comment:

  1. Today I was thinking about how in the world will we have time when our kids are older (i.e. your kids' ages) and we have all these different things tugging us in different directions. Your posts, your family, continue to be my inspiration about how to properly manage a family. Thanks for your insights and the experience you've acquired over the last 17 years. It's immensely helpful. DD


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