Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Family Game

Thanksgiving was amazing. So much fun with candy turkeys...

Cute candy turkeys made by my 12 year old niece!


... and "The Family Game". This was such a fun part of the festivities! Here's how you play:
First, the more people, the better. Each person writes down a name on a slip of paper and puts it in a bowl. It can be an athlete, a famous person, a character from a movie, an author, a scripture hero, an ancestor - anybody! One person is the moderator and does not play. The moderator reads each submission one time, in a row. Listen carefully to the names because you cannot write them down. The moderator picks someone to start. That person asks, "So and so, are you so and so?" For example: "Julie (me), are you Cinderella?". I would say yes or no depending if I wrote Cinderella. If they were correct, I join that person on a team. Then, we get to collaborate and go again. If I said no, I get to guess the next person. You continue until everyone is "found out" and the team or group with the most players, wins. If you correctly guess someone who has a "family" or team with them, the whole group is added to the group who correctly guessed. The key is to write down a person that does not relate to you at all so it's difficult for them to guess you. My six year old daughter wrote down Adam Lambert and my fourteen year old guessed her immediately. My brother in law wrote down Martha Stewart and his son guessed him right away because "you were Martha Stewart last time, Dad." Lesson learned: Don't repeat your person and don't write down someone people would easily be able to guess. This was such a fun game that involved EVERYONE! We enjoyed lots of laughter and fun memories.I was Rapunzel. Sam guessed me. How did he know?
This would be fun at any birthday party, youth group, family reunion or for a party mixer or get to know you game. Try it out!
More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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