Monday, November 8, 2010

You want me to remember?

In this modern age, we are bombarded with tasks, information, requests, news, appointments and responsibilities. Wow, some days I feel overloaded with all that I need to remember...take out the trash cans to the street the night before garbage day (since the garbage man picks up our cans so early), pickup my son from preschool, call so and so to make an appointment, make sure he gets to Scouts on Tuesday, take the medicine or vitamins, listen to the kids do their reading every night, don't forget that lunch appointment, send a gift for Grandma's birthday, take the child I'm potty training to the bathroom every hour, send off the mortgage payment, etc. etc. I do not believe in being flaky and I'm striving to teach my children not to be flaky as well. But, our brains can only handle so much information. We need tools to help us remember! 
One of the tools our family uses is
This is a FREE online reminder service that sends out email reminders whenever you desire. For example, I can setup a reminder once per hour to help my son remember to feed the neighbor's dog every day, so no matter when I check my email, there will be a reminder there. Or, I can setup a reminder that emails us to take out the recycling every other Monday night so it will be picked up Tuesday morning. Reminders can be sent to multiple email addresses so Mom and Dad can help our daughter get to the ACT exam or to piano lessons. Yes, it requires you to check your email but that's not a problem for us because of the work we're involved in. They also have a premium service that sends reminders to your pager or phone.
This service has been a life saver for our family! We are able to "Stick" to our responsibilities with the help of modern technology. One other thing...when you are reminded about something or you suddenly remember a task you need to do, stop what you're doing and do it. The chance of me remembering to accomplish that task again lessens every time I put it off. 
Encourage your children to use a tool to remember their responsibilities...whether it be an alarm on their phone, an app on their iPod, an online calendar or
Unlike the scarecrow, we have a brain, but without help, it's just a jumbled mess of straw!

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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