Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Purple Party Power

Why do parents feel the need to throw birthday parties for their little kids (when half the time they won't even remember it) but then they say "No More Parties" by the time their child is 12? Don't misunderstand me...I love birthday parties and I love planning and giving them. I love seeing the excitement of little children waiting to see what the present is when it's opened or the thrill of their tail getting pinned on the right spot of the donkey. However, young children's birthday parties are physically exhausting, very demanding, high maintenance, positively overwhelming and almost impossible without "helpers". Therefore, I've decided I like birthday parties for older children and will be happy to have birthday parties into their teen years.
The advantages:
1. The birthday girl is capable and willing to help with the preparations.
She assisted in making all of her purple monkey suckers.
2. They come up with their own activities and don't need "help" with every game or event.
Kids Taboo - A fun and interactive game for a group of giddy girls.
3. You don't even need a plastic table cloth because they don't make a mess. They even say thank you for the food.
They even eat the food....
4. They're capable of serving themselves...
I don't worry about it either.
5. They pose so nicely for pictures...
Love the tongue and the purple bow!
6. They don't blow out the birthday girl's candles...
They decorated cupcakes for the birthday treat
7....Nor do they lick the frosting knife and put it back in the frosting.

The frosting amounts are moderate as well as the use of sprinkles and candies.
8. You can actually make a pyramid...
...And it only took 30 seconds to form

 9. And most importantly...hugs abound!
I take a picture of the birthday child with each of their friends that come. Great memories!

10. When it's all over...they're grateful and happy.
Love this!!
...And that's why I love birthday parties for teens. The End.
PS - Purple captions in honor of purple monkey power!!

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! Love seeing the pictures of the birthday girl. What a cutie. Give the "third child" our love. DD


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