Friday, July 27, 2012

Talent...on a Piece of Butcher Paper

Force = PA = 5.2 x 10^4 x pi x 2.6^2 = 1.11 x 10^6 N = Buoyancy force.
T + B = Mg
T = Mg - B = 62400 x 9.81 - 1.11 x 10^6 = -4.98 x 10^5 N

Monday night is Family night - also called Family Home Evening. Every person in the family has a role to play - conductor, opening song, opening prayer, lesson, treat, activity, etc. We rotate positions each week so everyone has a chance to participate in the given responsibility. 

Part of our evening's schedule is the talent. Whomever has the talent that week comes up with something to share. A few past examples include: sing a song, play an instrument, write and recite a poem, show how many pushups can be done in a minute, french braid someone's hair, draw circles (2 year old), give a speech, bench press a three year old, tell a story, perform an impersonation, share a joke...the list goes on and on, literally. One week, I was assigned the talent. I feel that one of my talents is being a good listener. I told each member of the family that I would sit there and listen to whatever they wanted to share about the day. But I digress...

Several weeks ago, our son was given the talent opportunity. He brought in a piece of butcher paper and declared that he was going to demonstrate something he learned in his Physics Class - how to solve for the Buoyancy Force. Huh????? He spent the next seven minutes writing down and explaining the steps for the problem. Yes, it went over the heads of all those present. However, it was something he was excited to know and an issue that he had interest in. I couldn't help myself...I had to take a picture of this talent - on a piece of butcher paper!

Now, that's talent!
I sent the photo to his Physics teacher. I thought she would get a kick out of it. This was her response:

That is completely AWESOME! Thanks so much for sharing, you have made my day! I love his  enthusiasm and the enjoyment he expresses over understanding the world better and getting better and better at the skills we practice. (Like free body diagrams on buoyancy force problems.) Thanks for brightening my day!

Today's Stick-to-it Tip: Find ways for your children to share their talents. It builds confidence as they stand in front of the family and share, as well as confidence in their abilities. They even try to stretch a little to figure out a talent to share. It's good for them to realize that they do have talents, and to be grateful for them. It's not always an obvious, outward talent. Like my listening talent, it could be a quiet and inner ability. Whatever it is, share it and make it stronger.

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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