Saturday, July 28, 2012

Today's Mommy Award

Write-Downable of the Week...

My three year old declared: "You're good at wiping #2."

YES - just what I have always aspired to! 

I'm so excited....and I just can't hide it!
If my calculations are correct, I've wiped approximately 11,680 #2 bums...1 time per day for 4 years times eight children. (see my no more diapers philosopy)

Now, I should get an award for that!

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!


  1. I like this. I award myself "Mommy Points" to make the unbearable at least a little more redeeming. Especially if it's something that Daddy would not attempt.

  2. Definitely! You deserve a boat-load of points, you cute little Mama!


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