Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sabbath Thoughts: Playing our Part

"Do your part; do all you can do, and see what happens, inside and out"

Each part in a play is vital to the story. Playing the role well is essential for the success of the production. If one does not perform to her true level of talent, it is felt or seen by the audience. But truly, it is the inner-self that suffers. Playing the part and doing it well brings outward blessings of applause, standing ovations and whistles, as well as inward blessings of contentment, peace, gratitude, and happiness. I hope to relate these thoughts with two stories:

1. Years ago my son and his friend had their bikes parked outside of a friend's home. When they went outside to ride, they were gone. Distraught and upset, my son came home with the story of what happened. He had worked long and hard to save the money for that bike and now it was gone. We drove around the neighborhood a little bit to look for it. We prayed. We didn't have much hope that it would be found. We didn't call the police because we felt there was little they could do but file a report and hope that the bike got turned in. Pretty much, we called it a loss.
Two days later my son received a call from his friend that their bikes had been found. The friend went the extra effort, doing all he could do, to call the police and file a report. Because they did so, when the bikes were miraculously found by the police, stashed in some bushes, they were able to match up the bikes to the report and call the owners, two thirteen year old boys. Because my son's friend did his part, they were both able to receive the outward and inner blessings. This was a lesson learned for all of us. Go the extra mile, take the extra step, play the part to the best of your ability and see what happens. Do all you can do!

2. My sister told me the following story: "I headed to DI (like Salvation Army) early this morning to try to locate my daughter's $300 orthotics that were in a pair of shoes we gave away on Monday. The people there were not very hopeful that we would find them. But after searching through bins and bins and bags and bags of shoes, I miraculously found them! Hooray!" My sister played the part of my son's friend, taking the extra step, playing the part well, to locate the orthotics. The workers played the role of my family, thinking it was a lost cause, doubtful and without hope. Because she did her part, she not only saved her family $300, but taught them a lesson, as well. When we do our part, miracles happen.

No, success stories like the above will not always happen. For one reason or another, we may not find something that is lost, a test score may not be as high as we'd like, a job may not be received, or an opportunity may not arise. However, one thing is certain...if you don't perform the part well, doing all you can do, there is no room for the outward blessings to come...If the police report wasn't filed, the bike would not have been found. If she didn't look for the orthotics, they would have been permanently lost. The inward blessings of gratitude and peace are felt when true effort takes place.The Lord wants us to do our part and teach our children to do the same. 

This truly relates to Christ's Atonement for all of us. When we do all that we can to live according to His commandments, He steps in and takes care of the heartaches, disappointments and frustrations that we encounter in this life. He brings the contentment, peace and happiness that comes with playing our part in the story.

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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