Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sometimes "Childs" just Take that Long!

My daughter was washing her hands in the bathroom, taking what seemed like, forever.
Dad: "Honey, get out of the water."
Honey: "Dad, I'm washing my hands."
Dad: "I know, but you can't take that long, child."
Honey: "Dad, sometimes childs just take that long!"

Thanks for the lesson, babe!

I love this reminder: Sometimes "childs" just take that long! I've had several experiences lately where my children's time-table is not cutting it with my expectations and desires. So, I need a wake-up call from my seven year old to tell me, "Chill out, Mom and let us handle it on our schedule, not yours." 

1. He hates reading. What? Let's work on comprehension and see how it goes. Can the love for reading please come a little faster? OK, maybe not LOVE - how about willingness to do it? Please, can we not have a fight every night????

2. She knows how to go in the toilet but just doesn't do as much and as fast as I'd like. But maybe the timing is because I'm not as consistent as I should be. There it is: another thing Mom needs to focus on.

3. Decisions are not made as quickly as I'd like, and once it's made, the decision isn't one I'd have my child choose. Please stay on the path and don't take any detours or scenic byways! But maybe that's the teaching moment; NOT my lectures or pleas.

4. Yes, I know you want to help with dinner, but it will take three times longer to get the meal on the table. Could you please just speed it up a little bit??

5. We've been rearranging rooms at our house. Can we please get our rooms together a little faster? I'm tired of the chaos and disorganization!! 

6. Will the coughing ever stop? Weeks and weeks of everyone coughing drove me crazy! Now, it's a bruised/fractured rib due to the coughing. Hurry and heal, rib, so my child won't suffer any more!

7. I know you're involved in basketball, choir, ACT prep, church, drama, school work, lawn mowing, friends,and extra classes...but could you please clean your bathroom...TONIGHT!!

It all comes down to patience, realistic expectations, and allowing time to be your friend. Don't rush the process...enjoy the moment!

Here's a thought: What about my time frames that don't meet others' expectations? We won't go there now, will we.

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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