Thursday, September 1, 2011

Turn an "I don't know" into an "I know how"

I ask him to cut the lettuce. 
"I don't know how."
I ask him to grate the carrots.
"I don't know how."
Have I taught you anything??

When I hear the words, "I don't know how", I tend to do a double take and think, "Really?? How have you grown up in this house without knowing how to do BASIC things?" Truthfully, I think many times it's a cop-out.
Child: "Hmmm, if I tell Mom I don't know how, maybe she'll let me off the hook."
Mom: "Wrong! That's my cue to put you to work and make sure you know how!"

Other times it could be a cry out for attention; spend time with me, teach me something, hold my hand, lead me, guide me.

Some of the "I don't know how!" examples I've encountered lately:

  • While fixing dinner, I strive to always have a helper - someone to wash, chop, measure, pour, stir...something to give me another set of hands to get the meal on the table more quickly. Yesterday, I asked my ten year old son to help me grate the carrots. Yes, I got the response and yes, I showed him how and put him to work.  Next, I asked him to chop the lettuce. "I don't know how". How can this be? How many times has he seen me chop lettuce? So, I stopped what I was doing and showed him in detail how to chop the lettuce. 
Yes! Someone else to do this job!

The Proof: He CAN grate carrots!
  • My daughter is looking for a job to pay for college. I told her she needed to create a resume. "I don't know how!" Legitimate. She has never had to look for a job before, thus never needing a resume. We spent an afternoon compiling an amazing looking resume for one just graduated from high school. Now she just needs to find the job - another "I don't know how" syndrome. 
  • My son just opened his first bank account with his first check book. "Mom, I don't know how to write a check." Here we go again...It just seems like yesterday that I was teaching our first child about check writing, debit cards and bank accounts. Round Two!
  • "Mom, how do I do this math problem, how do I get a picture into my Word file,  how do I download this attachment from gMail, I don't know what to say when I call, I don't know where to look for used books, I don't know how to tie my shoes, how do I spell..."
 There's always going to be an "I don't know how!" Let's be sure we do our best as parents to turn an "I don't know" into an "I know how!"

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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