Thursday, September 8, 2011

You've Got This! (Even if it is bad grammar)

To my Daughter: 

I drove away thinking, "Did I teach you all you need to know?
Did I fulfill the responsibility to raise you in the way you should go?"
My very first child, so beautiful and capable, has grown...'re off to college, independent and free. You're on your own!
- Mom

"Don't worry, Mom. I've got this!"
Yesterday was the day...the day we sent you, our oldest child, out into the real world. Can I say, Mixed Emotions!?! I was so proud of myself for I did not cry when I said goodbye. That doesn't mean I didn't cry on the way home! I have thought a lot about this new stage of life that you and our family is entering. I'm going to save some of my musings for my Sabbath Thoughts post on Sunday, but here are a few...

1. You are never ready to go. No matter how much you prepare, make lists, check off the list, purchase necessities (and not so much), pack, discuss, and plan, you're never really "ready" to jump off. This is just like any other stage in life. You can read all about being a parent, but you'll never be ready to have a child. The EXPERIENCE makes you ready. Jumping in with both feet prepares you. Being your first real day away from home, you are getting more ready every minute! Do you miss me yet?

2. There is no use wondering if I taught you everything you need to know because there's nothing I can do about it anyway! Yes, we did our very best for 18 years to teach, train, and love. Now, it's up to you, kid.

3. You've got this! You can do hard things!! You have the drive, motivation, and desire to succeed. "You've got the power!" song just came to mind. I know, weird.

4. Even though money is tight and you wonder how you're going to do it, it's for your good. When you're handed something on a silver platter, you don't appreciate it nearly as much as if you worked long and hard to earn it yourself. You're learning a valuable your part, do it well and see what happens!

5. We gave you all of the last minute advice yesterday. Thanks for humoring us. You probably wanted to say, "STOP!!!" Well, some last, last minute advice: think of others, pray, always go to church, have fun, take your classes seriously, be flexible, stand for what is right, and remember who loves you!!

"Thanks for making my bed, Mama" (Loved it!)
Just because you're "on your own", doesn't mean you're "on your own." We're always here to encourage, listen, pray, love, and assist. Now go get that job and don't forget to take your vitamins!!

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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