Friday, September 16, 2011

"Smell the Roses" and Remember, it's a Purple Shirt!

One of my worst fears is first, having a missing child, and second, 
not being able to remember what they were wearing that day!

Can you relate to this or am I just a bad mother? Truly, with all of the things I need to do and remember, I sometimes have a hard time recalling what my children are wearing that day. Was it a purple shirt or a red shirt? Jeans or shorts? Flip flops or tennis shoes? 

My little daughter taught me some lessons today about observation...
Grandma came to visit this morning. Like usual, when she sees a clean hamper of clothes that needs to be folded, she goes to work. My little lady LOVES to fold clothes when there's someone to fold with, so she quickly went over to assist. Grandma is a great folder but she doesn't know whose clothes are whose, which is understandable. With each item of clothing, she asked our cutie pie whose it was. This three year old could tell her whom each article belonged to, right down to the boxers....and she was correct, every time. It was incredible!
Telling Grandma whom the shorts belong to.
Folding brothers' boxers doesn't phase her. She hasn't moved into the "cooties" phase yet.
Notifying Grandma that she put the shorts in the wrong pile!
To me, a pair of jeans is a pair of jeans. A pink shirt looks a lot like another pink shirt. A pair of black basketball shorts is very similar to another child's black shorts. How is it that a three year old can pinpoint the smallest details and place ownership to them?

Observation...the act of noticing or perceiving. I know little children learn through observation, so how much more could I learn if I were to be more observant? Would I notice that one of my children was having a bad day, is sad or lonely? Would I notice an opportunity to serve? Would I see the blessings instead of focusing on what I don't have? Would I see all of the fingernails that need to be cut or the hair that needs to be brushed? (Well, I don't have a problem seeing those things.) Observing the little things that get overlooked because we don't stop to "smell the roses" will bring more blessings to us individually, as well as those around us. 

And who knows, maybe being more observant will help me recall what my kids are wearing today or tomorrow or next week!

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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