Saturday, October 30, 2010

Speaking of Traditions...

With Halloween tonight (in our area, the neighborhood celebrates it on Saturday when it falls on Sunday), most people have carved their pumpkins and are ready to light them in just a few hours. We are usually at that point as well...but not this year. I don't really like Halloween anyway, so I'm not sad that we haven't carved any pumpkins. My children haven't mentioned it either so I don't feel guilty. What I'm really trying to say, is it's OK to skip a tradition. Don't stress yourself out because you haven't planned the annual Halloween party or didn't send out Christmas Cards. Don't feel guilty if you didn't dye Easter Eggs or frost sugar cookies on Valentine's Day. Sometimes life happens and to try to do it ALL makes life CRAZZZZZY!!!
In the past two weeks I have dealt with strep throat in six of eight children, one of the children breaking out in hives after taking amoxicillin. He has had them for almost a week and they're still giving him fits. Now that same child is flat on his back with a fractured leg (it's a mystery how that happened)! No, I'm not carving pumpkins and I don't feel badly about it! We were lucky to just make it to the Harvest Party last night with everyone in a costume (except for the injured one and our oldest daughter who cheerfully agreed to watch him). Trick-or-Treating tonight will be the bare minimum for our little ones. Take pictures, have fun, no guilt and move on!Since we don't have any pumpkins carved on our front porch, I'll reminisce a little:

 Well, look at that. No carving in 2008. I guess that was another off year.

That's good enough. Besides, all of my pictures pre-2002 are not digital...another project for another day. After looking at these pictures, I'm quite glad I don't have that mess to deal with this year. Off to console a miserable little boy instead...

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

Friday, October 29, 2010


Today my two year old pointed to Santa Claus in a book and said, "Grandma"! (Sorry, Grandmas!)
I love the fun things that children say; whether it be a three year old saying a word funny like "hostipal" to a ten year old saying, "Yah, I'm awake, but my eyelids are pushing to go down."

Sam's mother wrote down the funny things her children said growing up. On their birthday, she would get out the book and read the phrases she had recorded. It was a tradition the family looked forward to - laughing at and remembering the memories.

When we were married, Sam had a desire to carry on this tradition. For 18 years, we're recorded our children's funny, sweet and spiritual sayings. We call them "Write-Downables". 

Here are some of my favorites:

10:"Bananas taste like rotten flamingos."
10: "It looks like a church without the stem thingy" (steeple)
9:"Reading is just not my favorite sport."
9: "Beautiful Shower!  And a beautiful day to take one, too!!!"
9: “When I’m a Mom, I’m going to be as stern as you.”
8: Dad told the lady at the bank she was a life saver.  “Dad, why did you tell her she is a light saber?”  
8: "I love playing downstairs.   There's so much room that my imagination just pops open with ideas.”
7: She was reading the back of a Capri Sun drink which said, “made from a flavored juice blend from concentrate.”... “Does it make you concentrate, or what?”
7: We were taking down the Christmas garland. He says, "Here Mom.  Another strand of garlic"
7: “Mom, next time don’t put very much salad dressing on my salad and don’t give me any coupons (croutons)!” 
7: “His coughing is going to arise the whole town.”
6: He was spinning on the tire swing, really fast.  He got so dizzy and said, “I’m homesick”
6: "Mommy, when I'm six I look like I'm still 5."
5: "Mom, do you know where the floss-it is?" (dental floss)
5: "When I’m a Mom, I’m going to let my kids buy whatever they want!"
5: “Why I don't have stop things on my bike that pulls?”  (hand brakes)
4: He tied a bunch of shoelaces together to make a rope and then tied it to the bunk bed.  Then he tied the rope around his waist.  He said, “Mom, help me.  I’m stuck.”  Instead of saying to cut the rope, he said, “Hurry, scissor it.”
4: “My foot hurts.  It has a headache"
4: "When I go to heaven, I'm bringing this with me.He was holding a little screwdriver.
4: “Mom, what is the hand of God?”
4: "If girls kiss boys do boys get cuties?"  (He meant cooties) 
4: "Can I have some smarshmellows?"
4: "Mom, there's a lighter match on the ground."  (cigarette lighter) 
4: “Mommy, we don’t wear zucchini’s huh?” (bikinis) 
4: "I want to go to the polar bear dinner." (Panda Express)
4: He had to go to the bathroom in the bushes because there wasn't a bathroom available. He was all concerned about it and said, "But there's no flush!"  
4: "Look, Daddy. I have a whooshie cookin'" (whoopie cushion)
4: "Is it snow flaking today?  I want snowflakes."
4: "Mommy, look what I found.  (She holds up her diary/journal).  My diarrhea book."
4: "Can you get an Elmo-lope for me?" (envelope)
3: He got a swollen lip.  He said, “When is my lip going to stick down?”
3:"I need a belt to hold me up."
3: “I want to wear my toaster!”  (holster)
3: “My wock is watered” (My sock is wet)
3: "You and Dad get married.  Dad be in the black stuff.  You be in the white stuff." 
3: "Me be Chicken Nugget for Halloween". 
3: “Daddy, I won’t tell you that I got you batteries for Christmas!” 
3: Prayers - "Please help Jesus, he be better."
3: Mom - "Does anyone know what an ordinance is?"..."Yes, the fings you put on a Christmas tree."
2: "This is my old shoe.  If I wear it I'll be older."
2: She pulled up her shirt and said, "Uh oh, naked"  

These "Write-Downables" have brought us so much joy over the years. It helps us remember our children when they were young. It's amazing what we forget when we don't record it!
Establish traditions in your home and Stick-with-them! The children love it, unity is created, the home is strengthened and love abounds. 
More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it! 

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