Tuesday, October 5, 2010

You don't have Time?

My kids know that I hate the phrase, "I don't have time". It's completely unfounded. We all have the same amount of time in a day; how we use our time determines what we can and cannot accomplish. We have time to do ANYTHING; it's how we prioritize our time that counts. Whatever we desire to accomplish CAN happen if we deem it important and necessary.  

Mom: "Do you have your homework finished?"
Child: "No, I didn't have time."

Mom: "Did you read your scriptures today?"
Child: "I've been too busy today."

Mom: "Are your chores finished?"
Child: "No, I ran out of time."

When I hear these statements, I start to delve into what has happened with their time that day. I find that most often they have decided to spend their time doing other things (reading, computer, talking on the phone, playing, etc). The standard excuses above are not accurate... you didn't run out of time...you're not too busy. Stop making excuses and start prioritizing!

I try to instill in my children that how we spend our time is vital to building character and accomplishing that which God wants us to. Charles F. Didier said, "We are children of God and our time is His time that He has given to us so that we can serve Him."

My sister in law made this for our family for Christmas. I love it! It's a beautiful reminder of the time we've been given to choose wisely and responsibly.
I also try to encourage my children to think, "Is this the best use of my time?" My older children have so many things pulling at them...they need to stop and think if the activity at hand is the best use of their time. Life is going to get more and more complicated as they get older. Time management is extremely important; let's get them thinking about it AND practicing it while they're young so it won't be so difficult when they're in the thick of things.

We, as parents, can always do better as well!

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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