Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Power of Perspective

Carrying cement, enduring flies and heat, dirt & more dirt, stacking brick after brick,
the joy of the outhouse, cold showers, dust in the eyes...
 PLUS through service, hugs and kisses from little children, delicious food, strengthened friendships, natural beauty, cultural education, practicing Spanish, new friends...
A life-changing experience for my children in Tequisquiapan, Mexico.

The MAJORITY of children in the US are extremely blessed! We have more than we possibly need and have comforts that most of the world does not know about or can only dream of. A humanitarian service trip ( was just the thing my children needed to have their eyes and hearts opened. It gave them perspective that can only come from visiting another land where abundance is not the norm. It provided them with an opportunity to give of their time, their funds, and their love to people who really need it. This experience taught them new skills AND an invaluable lesson: Happiness is not obtained by acquiring "Things".

Tequisquiapan, Mexico
Working on cement floors

Learning and building

One of the many stoves they constructed for the people

They donated backpacks ( and school supplies to a school in Mexico

One of the recipients of a stove; now she doesn't have to cook over an open fire

These workers were so happy to receive a backpack!
The whole group with their security friends (they had Mexican police transportation everywhere they went)
Our wonderful Spanish Teacher with some of the kids
They had time for fun, too. All the girls wanted their picture with an American boy.

Time for shopping!
and Forest Frolicking
Enjoying the Outdoor Adventure

The final wrap up of the trip!
So long, Tequisquiapan...'till next year!
Yes, next year. My son loved it so much that he's saving up for next year's trip. (My daughter will be in college so no Mexico for her). A few things that struck me when they returned home...
1. "I want to go back next year!"
2. "The people have so little, but they're so happy!"
3. "The food was amazing!"
4. "We didn't really buy anything because we don't need anything!"
5. "We have sooooooo much!"

Ohhhh, the power of perspective! Fabulous things happen when children step outside of themselves to help another.

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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