Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Delegate.... and Drink some Homemade Rootbeer

So, the family wants to have a barbecue. Cringe! It's not that I don't like the food or the company. It always seems like a production; the pressure to have all the fixin's, like that delicious potato salad (extremely time-intensive), all the sauces and trimmings to put on the burgers, fruit salad, pasta salad, etc. Then, I don't know why :), but the work load tends to fall on mom - the shopping, food preparation, the food cleanup, dishes, and more.
Well, not this time! We had the most delightful family barbecue last week. Why? Delegation, simplification and preparation!
1. I prepared by making some simple things in the morning so the evening would be less hectic; jello and hard boiled eggs for deviled eggs.
2. Dad took all of the kids shopping for the food that we needed. I was able to get some things accomplished at home. Splitting up and conquering is definitely a good thing!
3. Jobs were delegated out:

The Chefs:
Hmmmm, cooking?

OK - There's the proof.
The Burger Makers...
No, thanks. I'll wait 'till it's cooked.
We simplified by stopping by Wallaby's for mashed potatoes and baked beans. That gave us the incentive to make homemade root beer; Dad's tradition!

The Root beer Preparers...

Preparing 4 gallons of homemade root beer. We have some lucky neighbors!
She had to measure and weight the sugar to perfection, literally!
The Rootbeer Mixers:
Love this! Ten year old teaching four year old.
Dad's Job: Handling the dry ice.
The best part - the witch's brew!
I wasn't the photographer so we missed some people and some jobs, especially the eating part! Oh, the root beer was fabulous and refreshing. Four gallons of homemade root beer equals the opportunity to deliver a delicious delight to some neighbors and friends. (Love that alliteration and the chance to serve.)

Thanks to everyone for pitching in, making this a delightful experience. We may even do this again soon!?! Three cheers to a successful family barbecue! (And I didn't even have to do the dishes!!)

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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