Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sabbath Thoughts: Just Around the Corner

The hike went on and on, up steep hills leading to a beautiful meadow.
Carrying a backpack, with the baby inside; encouraging another toddler in tow.
Where is the meadow, oh where can it be? They said it was there but I see only trees
on each side of the pathway, hear bees buzzing, a river trickling and the rustling of leaves.
Another hill in the distance; let's just turn back...the kids are tired and I'm feeling old;
But the thought of the goal keeps us in step, "The meadow is there!", we were confidently told.
Up one more hill, "I can do it, I say". Then the kids out in front shout a triumphant, "Hooray!
The meadow's in sight, just around the bend." What a glorious end to such a long, hot day!
Julie Bushman

In the trenches of child raising, trials and bumps along the way often keep us from "pressing forward". The desire to "quit and turn back" many times takes over, as parents deal with children whom are disobedient, angry, grumpy, lazy, rebellious, sarcastic, unwilling, and stubborn.
I've found that as I climb the parenting hill, thinking a behavior or an attitude in a child will never wane, "sticking to" the path (the tried and true methods) and not giving up, bring moments of joy when the meadow is in sight and the goal is obtained.

What are some of these tried and true methods? Communication, honesty, PRAYER, creativity, hope, opportunity, discipline, late night discussions, hugs, LOVE, encouragement, privileges (or not), TIME, gentleness or firmness,consequences, options/choices, persistence, service, patience, motivation.........

The joy we feel when a behavior is turned, a goal is met, a situation is resolved, a confrontation is softened, a right choice is made, a testimony is gained or a repentant heart takes shape is worth the work of climbing the path!

At the top of the hill...where is the meadow?

We made it!

The meadow (the picture doesn't do it justice)
20 Amazing Troopers!
Most of the time, the joy of the journey isn't climbing the hill. Instead, it's just around the corner!

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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