Monday, August 15, 2011

Life After Chores?

As he scrubs the toilet each week, he imagines a day without chores;
when he can roam the neighborhood with his friends, with no cares in the world.
With each towel there is to fold, she thinks of the book she'd rather be reading; 
turning the pages of the romance mystery that is waiting for her on the table.
This is their lot in life...chores, chores, chores.
When will it end? Never! They'll be working and working forever!

I know my children think they are over worked and NOBODY else has to do any chores. They claim their friends don't have to do anything to help out in the home. Sorry! Mom can't do it alone, you live in this home too and need to help take care of it. Plus, you need to learn the skills necessary for when it's your turn to be in charge of a household!

This is one of my least favorite jobs...emptying the dishwasher. Oh, good, someone else gets to do it!
Chores. Are they a necessary evil or a blessing in disguise? I choose the latter. Assigning your children chores teaches time management, responsibility, a hard work ethic, encourages family unity, gives satisfaction for a job well done, teaches that privileges come with tasks completed, allows for learning and growing, and provides skills and knowledge that are invaluable.

She may not sweep perfectly but at least something's getting swept up!
Consider our new product, the Stick-to-it Chore Chart, for assisting your family in organizing and assigning the family responsibilities.  

This system has been utilized in our home for almost twelve years. I developed this product to use with my children because I could not find a solution on the market that gave the flexibility to assign specific and relevant chores to each member of the family. The STIC Chore Charts provide a solution to not only organize the family responsibilities in a fun manner, but track completion as well.  Chores may be rotated as frequently as fits your family's needs. I find that children REALLY learn how to do a job if they have that task for several weeks or months; however, our kids are always excited for "change the chores" day. Almost 100 colorful pieces are included that represent detailed jobs relating to most families. Blank pieces are included for customization to your household.  See how this system can transform your home into productivity! Visit our website,

Yes, your children may day dream about life after chores, but some day, they'll thank you for "raising a stick-to-it kid".
More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

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