Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wipe those Door Knobs!

Toddlers can work! I have to remind myself of this because some times I find myself thinking, "She's too little" or "That's too hard for her." We recently changed the chore assignments in our home. 

Sneak Peak: Stick-to-it Chore Chart System Coming Soon!
I realized in doing so, that our two year old didn't have her own chart. So, I quickly got to work and created her chart with her own jobs to do. She was soooo excited to have her own chart, just like big brothers and sisters. She hugged it. She looked at it. She practiced moving the pieces over. We hung it up on the bulletin board and explained what each piece meant. Quickly, she went to work. (Yes, I was kind of surprised)

One of the best jobs for a toddler is to wipe those door knobs! Give 'em a baby wipe and have them go to town on wiping the door knob on both sides of each door in the house. 

This kept her happily entertained for twenty minutes AND no more sticky door of my husband's pet peeves! Teach your little ones that privileges come with responsibility and hard work. Start when they're young; it will make your job a lot easier when they're older!

More to Come...but until then, Stick-to-it!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! What are her other chores besides making her bed and wiping door knobs?


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